
  • Branding

    If you’re a new business or you need to update your look, I can help you with graphic design services and template creation.

  • Calendar & Inbox Management

    Are your unread emails stressing you out? Let me help you tame your inbox with organization, screening, and follow-up.

  • Copyediting & Proofreading

    I am a trained and experienced editor who can review your articles, blogs, social media posts, reports, and white papers. I am a member of the Editors Freelancing Association (EFA) and The Society for Editing (ACES).

  • Database Organization & Management

    Do you know where your IP is? If your files are stored on the various computers of your executives and employees, it’s time to get everything organized and centrally located. WIe can help you organize your file storage to make everything easy to find for everyone in your organization.

  • IT Services

    IT Onboarding can be hard to keep up with as your organization grows. I can help you procure and deploy Apple hardware to your employees and provide IT help desk support on a retainer basis.

  • Presentations

    From a basic sales chart to an animated TED talk, I can design or edit your presentations to make them more engaging.

  • Project Management

    Whether it’s a client project, design project, or marketing project, I can help you keep all the players on the same page with weekly check-ins, reporting, and organization.

  • SaaS Deployment & Administration

    I can help you deploy and maintain your cloud stack, secure your apps with SSO, and onboard new employees. I am experienced with Azure, Box, Jamf, O365, and Zoom administration.

  • Social Media Marketing & Management

    Don’t let your social media be a time suck. WI can help you manage your business or personal accounts with posting and engagement. I can also provide analytics for your social media engagement and help you build your followers.

  • Transcription

    From interviews to podcasts, I can provide transcription of your audio and video files. I can also proofread your AI-produced transcriptions to ensure accuracy.

  • Vendor Management

    Vendor proliferation happens quicker than you realize. I can help you manage your vendors and provide timely reporting on their projects.

  • Website Maintenance

    I can post your blogs, maintain your service offerings, and provide analytics for your website. I have experience in Wordpress, Squarespace, and other platforms. I also have HTML experience.